Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Mysterious Land of Potatoes

4 friends that came from different parts of the world. 2 of them came from Central America, 1 from South America and the other friend came from China. The two friends from Central America are Alexa, and Johnathan . Alexa is from Nicaragua and Johnathan from El Salvador. The friend that came from China is called Estephany. People usually call her Pucca. The one that is from South America is... ME! We all were on summer break and decided to meet up in front of PHS. It was on a Friday that we did all of this. The first to be there was Estephany. I came second and then came Alexa and Johnathan. We really had nothing planned for the whole summer so we decided to fund some summer camp or just go somewhere for a couple of weeks. We had many good ideas to do and then Johnathan wanted to be funny and blurted out "LET'S GO TO THE LAND OF POTATOES!!!" We all looked at him with a straight face. He just started to laugh and I was smirking. He also took out his laptop and searched up "Land of Potatoes" Something actually came up and what caught our eye was an island.
We were all surprised that something actually came up and Johnathan wanted to go there and I agreed. We all talked about it and we decided to actually go there. Now all we had to do was let our parents go there for a couple of weeks. I called my Dad and he instantly agreed that he wanted me to do something productive for the summer and this would be a something cool to do. The rest of the gang called each of their parents and and they agreed. I thought it was unusual but I did not care, we were going to an island!! I was happy. We decided that we needed a boat to get there and clothing. Neither of them were much of a big deal since Alexa's dad is very rich and actually can lent us a big boat to use. We decided to meet up at Alexa's house Saturday morning at 10. We all went straight home to find clothing and extra stuff to bring. I brought my phone and my Ipod with about almost all of my clothing. I don't know what everyone else brought exactly. I was so excited to go on this field trip with my amigos. I like to come early and I saw that Alexa was researching on the island the whole morning. She found out that no one ever came out alive and that if you live, you will see the world differently. She got excited now that she knew that there will be action. Johnathan came like 30 minutes later then me and Estephany was with Alexa the whole night since she slept over. We were all ready to go and Alexa's dad gave us a ride to the boat. I had a question that I never asked Alexa, "Where is this island located anyways?" She explained that the island doesn't have a permanent place, "The island always move around but it never leaves the Atlantic Ocean. My dad found a very trained sailor that actually pasted through the same island twice in his life but never went there." I was still confused but I really did not worry much about it. We all boarded the ship and we settled down and each room looked like a 5 star hotel room. It had many things that you usually would not find in regular cruise ships. We were all too excited that we were finally going to the island. Johnathan locked himself in his room so Alexa, Pucca and I tried to listen what he was mumbling in his room. What we heard exactly was, "Potatoes, potatoes,potatoes,potat...oes. I am finally gonna meet the Great potato and his many wonders." We could not help but laugh and Johnathan heard us so I ran straight back to my room and the other two went running to the poop deck (hehe poop deck). Johnathan knocked on my door and I opened and wanted to follow me to the poop deck as well. We met up with Alexa and Estephany. We just started to have our usual conversation and either Estephany or Johnathan had a question saying "Who is the person that is sailing this ship?" We wanted to investigate and what we found got us by surprised. We found a cubicle next to the steering wheel, and it was something that we all knew to well that liked to be in cubicles most of his time. It was Brandon! We were all confused on why Brandon was the sailor since he is the same age as us. He all gave us a map to know where we are and it actually showed our position in the ocean.
We were all confused even Alexa never knowing who the sailor was before. We all asked him while Johnathan yelled out "POTATOES!!" Brandon was surprised and went up to Johnathan and replied "potatoes." Johnathan eyes grew big and suddenly they had a convo only saying potatoes and potato related food like, "Potatoes, tater tots, mash potatoes, french fries." Both of them were having the longest conversation on potatoes and I could not resist the urge on laughing. Both of them looked at me with a straight face. Alexa and Estephany was also laughing and we did not stop so instead they stopped their conversation and started to talk to us. Brandon was informing us to keep and eye out for any particular island with clouds on top of the mountain. We all agreed and Brandon said one last word of potato to Johnathan. Johnathan understood and then went with us to the cafeteria. We were all so hungry and in the menu I saw something that I know will make me laugh when Johnathan see me eating it. There was tater tots and I took a plate full of them and when Johnathan saw the plate, he started to tear up and said to me in a sad voice, "Why Bryan? Why are you eating my family?" I was laughing so hard that it made me choke on the tater tots and then Johnathan started to laugh and replied "This is what happens when you want to eat my family, we get revenge." And I was staring at him with a straight face cause I know that he was trying to funny so I started to  laugh as well. Alexa and Estephany was both still trying to figure out what they wanted to eat since the cafeteria had so many varieties of food. After a long day of trying to find the island and just talking to each other about dumb conversations, we decided to go to sleep since it was already 11. Estephany and Alexa were getting sleepy but for some reason Johnathan and me could not sleep the whole night. I decided to visit his room and just chat for some of the night. I was talking to him about my whole complicated life and about this one person that has been in my life for about 8 years. We have been through many tough times. He told me if I loved this person and I just started to blush. I whispered "We love each other as brother and sister" He was not convinced on the answer. As we kept on talking I was feeling sleepy and I went back to my room. I was listening to this song called (Jasper Forks~ Rivers flows in you) it usually calms me down whenever I am in an angry mood and such. When I listen to this song, I always imagine a girl with me, she is short and about my color of skin. She has smooth soft hair with the best features of a face. She is a crush I have since last year. She disappeared recently and they never found her. And in my vision, we talk, act dumb, and just have a good time. I always daydream about her even though she is probably dead or just missing. After like when it was 12:30 I fell asleep listening to my music and I see her again.
In my dream, I am starting to dream more about her now. It has to mean something for me. I see her in a white dress and all she says to me was "Stay with me... I would will never leave your side if you stay." I wanted to say something but I could not move or talk, I was a spectator. My body had its own control. I just watched and I noticed that I was in an island and I see Estephany, and Alexa in the ground knocked out. I was confused and I noticed the girl disappeared and I was fighting against something dark and I was losing. He had a blade on my throat and said "you will not make it out alive!!!!" I woke up with a startled. Everyone was in my room and all had a worried face. They said that I was knocked out cold for 4 days straight. I did not feel weird or anything so we all decided to just forget about it and just eat our breakfast. We were having a usual breakfast when, The speaker in the cafeteria yelled out and almost scared all 4 of us. It was Brandon and it yelled out "WE FOUND THE ISLAND OF POTATOES!!!" I was holding my laughter and I saw Johnathan with a big smile and we ran up to the poop deck (hehe I still laugh when I hear that name lol) I saw the same island as the one that Alexa showed me in the computer. Brandon parked the boat and he tied his boat off and started to climb the cliffs. He knew that no one had lived to tell what was behind the cloud, but he still climbed. We followed him and he stopped when he saw the inside of the island. He was overjoyed with all these potatoes that were all around the forest. Brandon yelled out that he is going ahead of us and that we will meet up at the boat the next day at noon. We agreed and Brandon disappeared  little did we know that it would be the last time we see Brandon in his human form. We climbed the cliffs as well and Johnathan was also shocked by the amount of potatoes. He did not go crazy cause for some reason, he had a feeling that the potatoes were all a trap. We kept on walking ans more and more potatoes showed up in the forest.
 We kept on walking and I noticed something familiar, I saw a girl that I thought I would never see again in my life, it was the girl I was crushing on. She still looked the same but instead with a white dress and her hair got longer than usual. I was amazed by how she looked more beautiful with longer hair. We were all surprised that she was still alive. We were talking to her again on what she was missing out and that she could come back with us. Her face came from happy to a sad face. She said that if she leaves this island, no one will take care of the island. Johnathan looked determined and just started to say "potatoes" and the girl was amazed and they had another conversation with potatoes. I still found it funny and the girl looked at me with a serious face and for the first time, I stopped laughing. I also noticed something else, Estephany went missing. We got scared and asked the girl if Estephany was with us when we saw you and she said "Yes, she just went to pee." I thought she was kidnapped or something terrible must have happened to her but nothing really. The girl said to follow her and we did, and we went up the island to where the fogginess became dense. It was getting much harder to see and once we got to the top, we saw a HUGE POTATO FARM. Johnathan finally went crazy and ran toward the potato farm. He had a big smile and was talking to the potatoes, he said that he is going to be there for some time, We kept on walking and we entered a cave. It was the same place where I fought the black figure in my dream. We kept on walking until there was a dead end and then we all got confused. The girl looked at us and said "I am truly sorry my friends, I have lead you to a trap." Then a big noise shook the room. The same black figure came out of nowhere and had a long black sword that looked like it could cut anything in the world. I don't know what happened to me but I felt like I could defeat this creature. The girl said "The ruler wants me to give you all a sword to fight him to the death." I had a took a blue sword that looked like Poseidon made this sword. It looked like I was looking into the sea. I felt ready that I could take him on. Estephany took the first attack and ran up toward the creature, she missed by an inch and the creature just punched her in the face, she fell back and dazzled from the punch. Alexa went second but had her own strategy, it seemed like it was going to work until the girl turned into the same black creature. Alexa felt intimidated as well as I. She ran back toward me and the two creatures went charging up to me. My crush wanted to literally crush me (hehe) and I had shock cause I did not want to kill her. Alexa yelled out to me "She is not the same person you knew before!!! KILL HER before she kills you!!" I still did not want to kill her so Alexa and me switched and Alexa got into a trap and got jumped by the two creatures. They really did not pay attention to me. They picked up Alexa and threw her next to me and she was completely knocked out. Estephany finally went back to her senses and rejoined me. Estephany was actually able to kill the first creature. The girl creature got mad and kicked Estephany so hard that she got knocked out as well. I was the only one fighting. She changed back into her human form and it got me by surprised. It showed me that I could not kill her since she is still the same person. She went up to me and took my sword and went back to her creature form and put the sword up my throat. I was so sure that it was the same as my dream and she even said "you will not make it out alive!!!" I thought I actually lost until I heard some strange rolling sound. I looked back and noticed Johnathan with an army of potatoes. I had another urge to laugh and his face was determined again. There was literally an army of potatoes, some of the potatoes were flying small versions of a fighter plane. It got me to laugh and the girl started to feel intimidated.
The potatoes actually helped me to get back up and medical potatoes went into Estephany's and Alexa's mouth and they both immediately got all their health back. I also ate one of those potatoes. The potatoes planes and the soldiers were all able to kill the creature and I felt sadness in my heart but we had to leave the island quick before it goes under the sea. I noticed that it was not Johnathan talking but a potato and it was BRANDON!! I laughed again and I took the potato with me and we all ran back to the boat. We all made it back safely. The only two problems left that we had was, who is going to drive us back home, and how is Brandon going to go back to his human form????? Luckily Alexa knew how to drive a boat and we had to leave Brandon a potato forever. That is why Johnathan has a potato as a pet, it is Brandon.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

A dream unlike no other that I had

I recentely had a dream about something I reallt never told no one about.It is about a crush I have for someone. Her name is (I will use a fake name so that it can be kept private) Nicole. She is one of the most beautifulest girl I have ever seen. She is shorter then me and is older then me. I had a dream about her where another person that knows both Nicole and me was chatting with me on facebook. The girl only told me one thing and which was "Nicole likes u xD" when I read that I was kinda surprised and very happy at the same time. Then all of a sudden the dream changed scenarios. I was back at school and it looked like any other regular day but instead no one was in the school except for Nicole and me. We had an unusual conversation like we always do in real life. We were just walking around the whole school and talking. Then again the scenario changed again but it was outside of the school, where Nicole and me hang out. I was there with another friend and we were talking and out of no where, my friend vanished and when I looked back, I saw Nicole running up toward me and just kissed me. I swore that I actually thought it was all real for a second. The dream ended after that. Could this dream mean something for me?

I went on google to find out what does it mean when someone has a dream about their crush. What I found was that it meant that I have a basic desire to be with that person. It was correct cause I always want for the next day to come so that I can see her again. I also found what it means about my crush kissing me. It says that it was only a fantasy. I was a bit depressed about what I found. But I also rememebered that what I dreamed about where I was talking to Nicole, most of what we were talking about is mostly true except for the fact that she kissed me. I also have a feeling about where the chat I had with that girl about her saying that Nicole likes me will become true in the near future. I have a feeling that it might happen.

I remember a book that had some type of similarity of what I am having right now. It was bout some dude that had problems with his family and friends and found a girl that is very popular and beautiful. He really never liked anyone but this girl made him think different. He didn't like her cause of her good looks, but instead cause she had something that most girls didn't have in his school, being nice to everyone. He had gotten a crush. He wanted to find some way to actually get this girl to like him. He became more popular, he gotten stronger and skinnier, and a new hairdo. He really wanted to impress the popular girl and out of no where, they became friends. He actually thought his plan was working. He did so many things to try to get the girl to like her. He soon realised that she was close on hooking up on some guy. He gotten every sad since he did so many things that he would never do to impress anyone. It then goes on more about the book about the guy trying to find out who the other person that the girl liked so much. In the end he found out that it was himself. It was really made me think and want to know if the same thing could happen to me and Nicole.