Thursday, December 6, 2012

A dream unlike no other that I had

I recentely had a dream about something I reallt never told no one about.It is about a crush I have for someone. Her name is (I will use a fake name so that it can be kept private) Nicole. She is one of the most beautifulest girl I have ever seen. She is shorter then me and is older then me. I had a dream about her where another person that knows both Nicole and me was chatting with me on facebook. The girl only told me one thing and which was "Nicole likes u xD" when I read that I was kinda surprised and very happy at the same time. Then all of a sudden the dream changed scenarios. I was back at school and it looked like any other regular day but instead no one was in the school except for Nicole and me. We had an unusual conversation like we always do in real life. We were just walking around the whole school and talking. Then again the scenario changed again but it was outside of the school, where Nicole and me hang out. I was there with another friend and we were talking and out of no where, my friend vanished and when I looked back, I saw Nicole running up toward me and just kissed me. I swore that I actually thought it was all real for a second. The dream ended after that. Could this dream mean something for me?

I went on google to find out what does it mean when someone has a dream about their crush. What I found was that it meant that I have a basic desire to be with that person. It was correct cause I always want for the next day to come so that I can see her again. I also found what it means about my crush kissing me. It says that it was only a fantasy. I was a bit depressed about what I found. But I also rememebered that what I dreamed about where I was talking to Nicole, most of what we were talking about is mostly true except for the fact that she kissed me. I also have a feeling about where the chat I had with that girl about her saying that Nicole likes me will become true in the near future. I have a feeling that it might happen.

I remember a book that had some type of similarity of what I am having right now. It was bout some dude that had problems with his family and friends and found a girl that is very popular and beautiful. He really never liked anyone but this girl made him think different. He didn't like her cause of her good looks, but instead cause she had something that most girls didn't have in his school, being nice to everyone. He had gotten a crush. He wanted to find some way to actually get this girl to like him. He became more popular, he gotten stronger and skinnier, and a new hairdo. He really wanted to impress the popular girl and out of no where, they became friends. He actually thought his plan was working. He did so many things to try to get the girl to like her. He soon realised that she was close on hooking up on some guy. He gotten every sad since he did so many things that he would never do to impress anyone. It then goes on more about the book about the guy trying to find out who the other person that the girl liked so much. In the end he found out that it was himself. It was really made me think and want to know if the same thing could happen to me and Nicole.

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