Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Dog Like No Other

The picture that I chose to pick was of the dog that was with the grave of the dead owner. It goes to show that a dog can be very loyal to the owner. In the description, it says that, "A dog named "Leao" sits for a second consecutive day at the grave of her owner, who died in the disastrous landslides near Rio de Janiero on January 15, 2011." Also I heard more information about the picture and it says that the dog kept on coming back to the owner's grave everytime people take the god away from th grave. The dog Leao didn't even eat on those two days waiting for the owner to come back. In the picture, I see a dog patiently waiting for the owner to get out of the grave and feed the dog (I guess). The grave seems to be out in the middle of no where but the dog was still able to find the owner. I guess the owner died from falling into one of those landslides or something filling the landslide where the owner was located at with the dirt. What is happening now is Leao is sitting next to the owner's grave just waiting for the time when the owner comes back from the dead. The dog is probably looking at a car that is coming to take the dog away and put Leao in a cage. The other land slides are just empty, but the grave has full of dirt on top. One thing that questions me is, why are there landslides in this place? Also how did the owner die exactly?

I have a dog exactly like that. I have another golden retriever named Maya. She is like the dog Leao. I even tried it, I place my dog in my front yard and tell her to sit and I tell my dad to drive me to the nearest park. Once I got there I just waited for Maya to see if she knows where I am, and luckily enough I saw my dog running towards me. I really do not know how these dogs do it. I even did it again but when to a park that was farther from my house, I went to a park in South Plainfield and I did the same thing again, left my dog in the front yard. Guess what happened!? Maya came to the park again! I was so happy that I treated her to many dog treats. I think that Leao was the same with the owner. When I was in Ecuador, I saw this kid and this dog. The kid was homeless and begged for me to keep his dog. I was nervous cause I could not say no or yes. I told her that I could find a person to take care of his dog. He was so glad and it seemed like this kid did not eat for about a week now. When I said that I could help find a house for his dog, he was glad and just slowly diedin front of me. All he did was close his eyes and next thing I know he stopped moving. The dog was whining and pushing the little owner but he did not move. I felt sad and I tried taking the dog but he did not want to move. I picked the dog since he was so little but when I was almost home and I putthe dog down to get my keys and open the door. I saw that the dog just went full speed to the way we came walking from. I followed the dog and I saw that it went back where the little boy died right in front of me. I felt so sad but I took the boy and dug a hole in the nearest park and put a small cross on it. The dog was so sad since he now knew what happened to his owner. I took the dog again and found him a home. I told the new owner that whenever you walk the dog and the dog runs away, go to the park where his old owner was buried at. The owner agreed and took the dog.

What I think will happen in this picture is that someone will take the dog away to a new owner and let the dog visit the old owner's grave from time to time. I think it will be like the other story about te homeless boy and his dog. Leao will be very sad and try to run away to the owner's grave and just wait there again like always. One thing that they should do though is to find an owner that lives close to where the landslides are located at. It would be good for the dog so that the dog can visit the owner's grave. Also they should tell the new owner of the dog that when the dog dies, they should have the dog get buried either right next to the owner, or in one of those holes close to the owner. It would be the most best ting for a person to do for a dog that is sad, to let it be next to the owner for eternity. But they should also make a memorial for that person and have a another memorial for the dog when it dies. Leao is very loyal to her owner. There are other dogs like Leao in the world but she will be remembered for the most. I liked this photo the most because, out of all of the other 40 photos I saw, when I saw that picture of the dog waiting for its owner, it made me remember of what happened in Ecuador. It also made me feel bad for the dog cause I know that there is no use in waiting for a dead person to come back but the dog does not know any better. I just hope that Leao is alive right now and in good health and visit her owner every once and a while.

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