Monday, November 12, 2012

Impact of Hurricane Sandy

The day when the Hurricane came, my family already knew that it was gonna come so we just decided to sit back and watch Madea Witness Protection Program. While we were in the middle of the movie, I was told that my friend's light were flickering but I didn't know about it since I turned the lights of for the movie. Then a friend told me that their power went out but they lived in Sctoch Plains and next thing I know when I told my friend that i hope my power wont go out, my power went out. I used my Ipod as a light to go downstairs and check on my Dad. He turned on about 4 candles and told me to put one of them in my room and another in my parents room. After a while waiting to see if the power would come back on, I knew it was hopeless of me just waiting for the power to come back on by how strong the wind was. I was just waiting for the power to come back so that I could get back on facebook so that I could chat with my friends. Also my Ipod battery was dying so I preserved the battery for later use, just in case something happens and I need it.
 It seemed like time just went on slow motion cause the time pasted so slowly, so what my family did was go to the kitchen and talk about all the memories my family had when we were in Ecuador. I couldn't participate most of the time because  I was in the story too much since I only lived in Ecuador until I was 2 so all the memories either happened before I was born or I just couldn't remember. Then my Dad started talking about legends of Ecuador. My Dad asked "Bryan do you want to know an urban legend of church in the capital?" "Sure." I said enthusiastically. It was kinda interesting but in most parts he said that it was supposed to creep me out and not be able to go to sleep but it was easy. He even told me a cool legend where there are places all over in Ecuador where if u feel soft dirt and you put your hand in there, if you go deep enough you will find a lot of money like about $200. The only bad thing is that if you try and grab the money and take it out from the dirt, you automatically die. For a couple of days, my family really got closer together without all of the electricity, so all we could so was just talk to each other. We actually settled differences we had for so long, and got to know each other better now.

After like one week past after Hurricane Sandy hit us, my house was getting too cold to stay in what I did was to ask my parents if I could sleep over friends' houses everyday so that I don't have to sleep in the cold, and surprisingly my Dad said yes. I was kinda excited to finally see my friends again after from what had happened I couldn't know if anything bad had happened to any of my friends or what and I have this friend that came over with her family and when they got to my house, they noticed how cold my house was and asked if they wanted for us to go to their house and be in the warmth (they had gotten power after a couple of days after Sandy hit). I was about to go emotional when I noticed they had wifi and i was able to get into it. My exact words when i turned the wifi on was "OMG! I am finally out of the Stone Age and back into the real world. I am first gonna check facebook to see if anyone is alive?" My friend heard me and just started laughing like crazy. Hehe i started to laugh as well. I asked her parents if i can stay over here and they said, "Our house is your house" and showed me the guest's room. I settled all of my things (extra pant and shirt) in the guest room and came back to see my friend and just spend quality time with her. I also bonded more with her now. I felt bad that I was gonna sleep at my friend's house while my parents go back to the cold house, but then he told me something that made me happy, he said " A good friend of mine just called me saying that they have light and that they have a lot of room for our whole family to spend the night at." I told him if I could stay at my friend's house even though the rest of my family was going to another house (they don't have a person my age to interact with). He knew that so he smiled and said sure. This solved our problem about us sleeping in warmth. I forgot completely to go to another house cause my friend and her family really takes care of me like I an part of the family as well. I actually call my Dad everyday to see if the power came back or not but every time i ask him he just gives me the same response "I'm sorry but no." After awhile I just gave up on calling my Dad to check. Wednesday morning I woke up from someone calling me early in the morning. I picked up and realized that it was my Dad and he told me that our house just got power back. I was so happy that I wanted to go but it would have been rude leaving early at my friend's house. I told her mom and she said in concerned "So you are gonna leave right now?" I felt sad about actually thinking on leaving soon but I just told her that I will stay until it gets dark again and maybe spend one more day. Her expression changed into an excited smile. They really like my company there. Even my friend was thrilled that i was staying for a little longer. We had so much fun i almost forgot it was already 10 and I forgot to tell my Dad that I was gonna stay for one more day, but my friend's mom already called my Dad so I was even more surprised that he is letting me do this again. I left the next day around noon,and came back to my normal life. I realized how the internet actually kept me away from interacting mire with friends and family. After about a couple of days, I was just waiting for school to start again and go back to my daily life.

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