Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Joy of Life

1.) What Chris is talking about in this small paragraph of words that, every person does not want to move out of their comfort zone. We basically live in a world full of security, and comfort. When people finally go out in the real world like the wilderness, they do not like it and they go back in their fake world of security. Also how we fool ourselves with the security, like how if a person lives their whole lives in security, they would have never know what real freedom, enjoyment is. If someone never really felt how it means to be in the world without sercurity, it would suck to be them. It is the best experience of your whole life. I do agree with what Chris says in those sections of words. I have been in the wilderness before. It feels amazing it is like all of your stress, problems, and everything bad from the society just goes away from the time you go into the wild until the time you leave it.

2.) Chris embraced these beliefs by just following it. He wanted to do these beliefs for an extremely long time now. Since he was finally able to get a chance to do, he did it without thinking twice. He chise to follow these beliefs. He wanted to be a free man, so all he had to d was abandon his old life without his family, and start a new life as Alex Supertramp.

3.) My life has been conditioned to being with sercurity, comfort, and conservation in basically everything that I do. When I go to school, I go with my crowd of people that I am comfortable with. Also how when I use my Ipod in almost everything that I do. Living in the wilderness, it is a great experience to have without any electronics, connections to the world, etc. If I met Chris, the type of specific qustions that he would ask are, if I am corrupted by the the cruel society with elctronics, security, comfort etc. Also if I have any family problems, or friendship problems. If he known my personal life, he would have noticed that i have too much to handle friendship relationship problems. What he would encourage me to do is, he would tell me to try and fix all of my friendship problems and find out who are your real friends and who are not. He would also encourage me to use my Ipod for less time.

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