Thursday, October 4, 2012

Rapture of the Deep News Investigation

On a faithful day, Audrey wanted to break the world record for free diving by going 561 feet into the water. When Audrey wanted to perform, it was a such a terrible day because it was raining very hard and there lighting. Audrey didn't care all she wanted to do was break the world record and come back alive. When she started, Pinin noticed something strange when Audrey went into the water. He noticed that she was going so slow. Then once Audrey made it to the bottom all she had to do was to a pin to release an ascent portion of the sled, and open the valve on the air tank and hold on for dear life. The bag didn't inflate and Audrey was stuck at the bottom of the ocean. She kept on trying to turn the valve on to inflate the bag but no luck. After awhile someone was able to fill her bag a little bit and was able to fill the bag but not completely. After awhile Audrey became unconscious, Pascal was able to get her and bring her back but when he did, Audrey was spewing blood from her mouth. Once she got to the hospital, it was all over for Audrey. From my perspective, she died on accident.

From all of the evidence that I have gathered I believe that she did die on accident. Other people say that she got murdered by her husband but I don't get their reasons. How she died on accident makes much more sense then getting murdered by a husband. They were such a good couple so it seems highly unusual how the husband ended up killing his wife. I think that they thought that they put enough air to the air tank to fill up the bag, but their calculations were wrong. A lot of things went wrong today when Audrey wanted to do break the world record. From what i had gathered in reading all of the article, I do believe that she died on accident and that it her time to move on to another better life.

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