Thursday, September 27, 2012

Into The World

If I was gonna go into the wild, I would go to Spain. I don't know why but I just want to go to Spain and go to the capital, Madrid. I always wanted to go to Spain since I was a little kid. I heard so much about Spain that they have euros and they are more expensive then U.S. bills. Also is one of the most touristic places that I know. Spain is located right under France and above Africa. I just wanna go to Spain so that I can know how people in Spain live on a regular basis. I would want to go Spain for about 4-7 weeks. I would go without not telling no one just so that people won't tell me to not go or have them go with me. Also I would want to go to Spain, Madrid so that I can go and see the famous Santiago Bernabeu, where the legendary Real Madrid plays. This is one of the many reasons why Madrid is also very touristic. If I want to actually accomplish this, I would have to start saving up right now so that when I am ready to actually do this, I would have about approximately $2500. Once I get the money, I would but a ticket for a round trip ticket to Spain, Madrid. Also I would use this because it would be the fastest way to get to Spain and without getting into the water. Once I get to Spain, I would ask random people for the best local hotel so that I can stay there for while and then travel to other parts of Spain but ill go by foot instead so that once my time in Spain is over I would go to a taxi and tell him to go to "Aeropuerto de Madrid-Barajas". That is where I would arrive by plane and leave by plane. I would use about $1000 in buying the ticket and the rest of the money for food, transportation, and even souvenirs. I wanted to go to Madrid so that I can see at least see Real Madrid play one home game. Also so that I can know how other people from another country handle their lives so that I could understand more about the economy of the world. As the days past in Spain, I would record all of my experiences in a notebook so that when I come back to the United States, I would be able to look back and remember everything that happened to me in Spain. Also so that other people can read my journal and think about doing the same thing as me and just disappear into Spain for awhile.

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