Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A New Day in Spain

I really want to get away from the cruel society that the United States brings in this world. As of right now I have been saving up on my $2500 to get a flight ticket to Spain, Madrid. As I begin my journey, I get all the right materials, clothes, camera, my journal, my toothbrush, and my phone and Ipod. I would at least tell my brother to tell my parents that I went to Madrid but I will tell him once I get to Madrid. At last! The fresh smell of Spain. Just stepping out of the airplane, I feel much more free then when I was in New Jersey. Its nine in the morning when I stepped out of the plane. Since I'm using the time in New Jersey I have to forward the time by six hours. So in Spain it is three in the afternoon. Also the immigration line is very long so I just take out my Ipod and listen to songs with my earphones. As I listen to my songs I noticed a woman just looking at me repeatedly. I didn't think it was strange so I just ignored her and waited in line. After what must have been like 3 hours waiting in the line and getting all my bags, I was finally free in Spain! The first thing that I did was find a cab and ask him for any good locations on hotels. He was to get to one and as I got out of the cab, I saw that woman again. I was becoming a bit suspicious but i still didn't worry about it.
I just ignored her again. As I went inside to check into the hotel, I noticed something familiar in the lobby. I couldn't of what it was but it felt like I had been in this same lobby before. I tried just ignoring the fact that it felt so familiar but as I got to my room, I felt better. I decided to stay in my room for today but as the next day comes I will start to get to know Spain. Spain is very exciting! I went to eat at restaurants and then just spend the rest of the day either walking or in a taxi. Most of the time is spend the first couple of days going to parks and meeting strangers and say "hola!" and most of the time I always brighten up the strangers day by either giving them good advice or just making them laugh. After a couple of days past, I noticed that I'm just spending my time in the same place, and the whole reason why I came to Spain was to know most of the places in Spain, not to stay in one place for the whole time I'm in Spain. I rented a car in a nearby place and I asked him if I could rent it for 4 weeks and he was okay with it. I had to go back to the hotel I was in and go to the lobby and give their room key back, but as I was walking out again I saw that strange woman again. I didn't know what to do so I took all of my stuff out of the hotel and into the rented car.
The first thing that I decided to do was to get a ticket to see a Real Madrid play before I leave back to the United States. Again I see that same woman again and she kept on staring at me. I was getting more and more scared but I kept on walking. Just when I bought the ticket, I went straight to the car and drove off to a city nearby. I stopped and walked around to check out the place. It was very good to stay at since there were a lot of homeless people walking around and a lot of robbers, I decided to get back in the car and drive south of Madrid to a city named Móstoles. It was very beautiful and neat, so I decided to find a nearby hotel and stay in for one night. As I checked the whole map of Spain i noticed that I wanted to go to Barcelona. I decided to go to Barcelona to know how that city looks like since a lot of people that I met, most of them said that I have to visit Barcelona before I left so I decided to do it. It took a couple of days to get there but I finally did it. They where right that Barcelona was a beautiful city. As I got out of the car to go get something to eat, I got scared! The same girl that stalked me throughout the entire time that I was in Spain was working in a restaurant I was in as a waiter.After I got out of the restaurant, I noticed her following me. I had to stop this nonsense so I stopped turned around go asked her what is her named. She replied "My name is Estephany." I asked "Why do you keep following me?" She frowned and replied "Do you have a problem?" I got mad and yelled "Yes! It is getting creepy that you are following me around. Why?". Next thing I know, she brings out a hammer. I was shocked and asked "Why do you have a hammer?" She smirked and said "Because you have something that I want..." I got confused and asked "What thing?"
I blacked out not knowing what just happened. I woke up in the hospital and the doctors told me "A girl hit you with a hammer on your head and took everything in your pocket." I was thinking what I had in my pocket and I remembered that I had my Ipod in it so it became clear that she wanted my Ipod. The doctor said " I'm very surprised that you survived after getting hit with a hammer, she hit you on the head and you was bleeding internally by a lot." I had to spend abut two weeks in the hospital before they let me go. Surprising enough I found the rented car in the same place that I left it. I got back into the car and drove back to Madrid. I never saw that woman ever again in my life. I spent the rest of my days in Madrid waiting for the day of the game. The day that the game was exactly 2 days before I left. That game that I saw was a championship game and Real Madrid ended up winning. That day was the greatest day in my life. It ended shortly when i realized I had to go back to New Jersey. It was all worth it though. This trip to Spain really taught me that other cultures can be much more exciting and interesting than your own culture.

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