Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Poems that Chris Might Like


Travel to the place
Where mind set to peace,
No one can see,
Feel us free.

Travel to the place
Where we can breathe,
Fill our desire,
We wish; we aspire.

Travel to the place
Where we have silence,
Flower of fragrance,
And nature to admire.

Travel to the place
Where we can write,
Lines of rhyme,
At any time.

Travel to the place
Where we have enough space,
Work without race,
No tension on face.

Travel to the place
Where we can dance,
Sing at glance,
Bit of time to romance.

Travel to the place
Where we spread love,
Freedom to serve
And land to move.

Travel to the place
Where we can live,
Of joy and sprinkle its grace,
And do anything, anywhere. 
Divyesh J. Shah


You hear Nature's voice in the river that ever flows on towards the sea
A voice destined to live forever that has lived for untold centuries
From the foothills of the high country it babbles downhill night and day
By groves and by ditches and hedgerows to saltwater it winds it's way.

You hear Nature's voice in her birdsong their music carrying in the breeze
The sounds that the freshening winds make rustling in the leaves of the trees
Some of the happier sounds of Nature though to Nature there's another side
When Nature she shouts out her anger all others from her seek a safe place to hide.

When Nature she grows very angry the fear of the World is in her cry
She shakes the Earth flattens great buildings she roars and her lightning flashes in the sky
She crackles when her forests burn leaving blackness and smoke everywhere
With the power of Nature in a fury none other can hope to compare.

You hear Nature's voice in all Seasons Winter, Spring and Summer and Fall
And you hear Nature's voice in the night-time when her nocturnal creatures do call 
Nature's voice will live on forever 'tis something not destined to die
As Nature herself does not have a time span as such are for mortals such as I. 
Francis Duggan

In the first poem, it talks about the places where everyone wants to travel. It is explaining everyone's dream place to travel. If you summarize the whole poem into one sentence, it would say that if you travel to your favorite place, you have peace and you will not regret it. It also talks about how it would feel if you were in your favorite place. In every paragraph it starts with the line "Travel to the place..." and in every paragraph all have similar explanations on why you should travel to your favorite place. This poem reminds of every time I go to Ecuador in the summer. I can forget everything that is happening in the USA and have a new free life in Ecuador. It feels like when I'm in Ecuador, all of my problems and stress just disappear. I always get mad when my time in Ecuador is almost over I get mad and try to do as many things as I can that I could never do here.

In the second poem, it talks about how nature is all around us and it will not die until the end of time. Nature is found in almost everywhere, in fact it IS found everywhere. Nature will be around all year long and even past the time we die. Everything that us humans made all came from nature in the beginning. Also it talks about the nature's voice like the animals, the wind, etc. Also about nature's feelings where when shew is angry, she causes earthquakes, and lightning. When it nature is happy, calm winds, and sunny days. I went camping once when I was 12 years old. My family and some friends went to PA and found a perfect place to camp. We all settled down, made our tents, and enjoyed nature. We were there for about a whole weekend. We were disconnected from the world and the problems it comes with. We had nothing except nature itself. Every time when it was night, i used to go with my friend to a secret place I found nearby our tents, and it was a perfect place to look at the stars. It was amazing until we had to go back into our everyday lives.

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