Monday, November 19, 2012

My trip to Madrid

Madrid is the capital and the largest city in Spain. It is also the third largest city in the European Union. The populations of Madrid is roughly about 3.3 million people. The whole Madrid city extends a total of 233.3 square miles. Madrid is also in the middle Spain. Madrid is home to the Spainsh monarch.

It was March 10, 2022 and I was freaking out at the time cause I had no more money because I had wasted almost all of my money on a ticket for a soccer game. The only way to actually get some money back is to find a job and pay for the hotel that I am staying right now. I had some time because I just got to Madrid and for the hotel I said that I was gonna stay in there for about one week and a half. The good news was that the hotel was gonna let me pay for the hotel when I was going to leave back to the airport and then home. I told them my situation and they totally understood my situation about the ticket for a game. And they even knew that I needed a job so they offered me one but I asked how much I had to pay and they said "About 800 euros." My mouth just dropped. How was I supposed to get 800 euros in a week and half? Then I asked the manager about how much will I earn if I accept the job for the one week and a half, He said about 300 euros. I got mad that it wouldn't be enough to repay the hotel. I had to find another job. Luckily I found a help wanted sign on a nearby restaurnat, the bad news was that it was for a waiter. I won't be able to earn 500 euros in only a week and half of being a waiter. I knew I had to find a plan to get the 500 euros in a week and a half. The next day came and it was the day of the soccer game that I bought from most of my money. When I was entering I noticed that it was Real Madrid vs. Barcelona or known as El Clasico. I also noticed that there was a betting booth nearby. It was a great oppourtunity to bet and try to get as much money as I can. I said that I bet for Real Madrid and the person in the booth went for Barcelona, I only had about 100 euros with me since it was emergency money. I placed it all and the person said that he will go twice the amount and bet 200 euros. I got nervous because if I lose the bet, I won't be able to pay for my food anymore.

It was halftime and the score was 1-3 and Barcelona was winning by two points. I got even more nervous because the team that I was betting on was losing by two goals. The only thing I could now is pray so that my team makes 3 or goals and Barcelona scores nothing so Real Madrid can win. It was an interesting match in the second half, it got down to 5-5 and it just got to extra time and it could be anyone's game. Only one goal from either team and they win. I was shaking on hoping that my team wins and I get the 200 euros. Next thing I remembered was my team making a goal and me going crazy from the happiness that I won the bet. I now had 300 euros and I only needed 200 more euros before I can pay the hotel and go back home in peace. As I was walking back outside from the stadium, I saw that there was a bakruptcy taking place right now and the robbers took the truck full of money but forgot to close the back door and a bag full of money just fell out right in front of me. The robbers didn't stop because the cops were right behind them and the cops didn't stop to take the money as well since they were busy trying to get the robbers. I looked around and apparently no one was outside near me. It was the biggest tempatition to the bad guy and take the money which was about 900 euros in bag or just be good guy and take the money and bring  it to the police. I was desperate so I took the money back to my place. I don't know how no one noticed that I was holding a bag full of stolen money like it was commen for them or something but they didn't stop me in bringing the money in my hotel room.

I was counting on how much money I got from the bag after having to pay for the hotel. I got 200 euros from the game and 900 euros from the bag. I still took the job in the hotel so that I can actually keep some money so in total I earned about 600 euros after paying for the hotel. I was extremely happy to actually earn much money in only about a couple of days. When the day of when I had to pack up and leave, I went all Around Madrid on a spending spree and bought many, many things like about 100 souvenirs for all of my friends and family, and ate in 5 star restaurants. I will miss Madrid and hope I can go back there soon again.

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