Saturday, April 20, 2013

What Was Going On In The 1950's

The years that the poem "Fences" are in the mid-1950's and early-1960's. The place that it took place was in Pittsburgh, PA.

In the politics world, first and most important of all, WWII was over, the 22nd Amendment was passed in 1951, Dwight D. Eisenhower became president of the United States in 1952, the Korean and the Vietnam War was going on in this time period.

In the economics world, the nation got in debt, the very first credit card appeared in 1950, about 25% of the citizens of the United states lived in poverty.

In the sports world, in 1950 the American sports continued to desegregate when the Boston Celtics from the NBA drafted the first African American player. This helped for all people to play any sport the want without all of the racism.

In the entertainment and technology world, since they now had television, first few shows to air on television were "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" and "The Twilight Zone". In technology, they invented the first voice recorder in 1951,they introduced the car seat belt in 1952, in 1956 they created 3-D for the first time, also they introduced microchips in October 31, 1959. We still use these technology today for everyday life.

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