Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day Origin

St. Valentine actual origin is unknown. The real reason why we celebrate Valentines Day to commemorate St. Valentine that died on February 14. Saint Valentine was a Roman priest and a doctor. An emperor named Claudius II took a liking to Saint Valentine. Valentine tried to convert the emperor but he failed and Claudius sentenced him to an ugly death. He was beaten, stoned, and finally his head was chopped off. He died on February 14. People then made February 14 as a feast day. People also used to believe that February 14 also known as Valentine's feast day, it was for a a day of romance since the 14th century, which was believed that it was the start of the bird's mating season to begin.

In this graph, it shows the amount of breakups people have on Facebook. Its very high when it comes to Spring Break and 2 weeks before Christmas. In Spring Break, even though we have about a week of no school, it does not mean that you can go party with other random girls or guys. That would look bad if your boyfriend/girlfriend found out that you are having a party full of the opposite gender. When it is 2 weeks before Christmas, you have to make sure that the person that you are going out with is someone that you would not be ashamed to show to your parents. 

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