Thursday, February 7, 2013


Personification means that you bring life to an inanimate object. Like for example, the avalanche devoured everything in its path.

Monday is a zombie apocalypse. Most of the people in Mondays all have days where they are all tried, wanting to do nothing, confused, etc. like zombies. I have so many friends that all start Mondays the same way, they all wake up tired, go to school tired, and then when they get home, most of my friends go back to sleep. Mondays are not good for anyone. Mostly everyone hates Mondays.

Tuesday is the boring old history teacher. Since Tuesdays is so far from the weekend, it is just a boring regular day for me. history is usually the most boring subject taught to me. I do not see any fun in it. Tuesdays are the same for me. I basically do nothing. There are some days where I am able to do something productive, but it happens rarely.

Wednesday is that shy kid that really does not talk much. Wednesdays is that type of day where we usually just do nothing at home. What I usually do on a regular Wednesday is, go to school and just take up space in a classroom for about 6 hours. After go home and either just watch some television or go on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Then I go do my homework and by the time I finish, it is already 10 and then I go to bed. Wednesdays I also go babysitting for some money.

Thursday is a little kid eager to go to a candy shop. Little kids can't wait to go to the candy shop. Its the same when we are on Thursday. We can't wait for Friday to come and for the weekend. Most cause we get to relax and have time to hang out with friends. Also on Thursdays, its the day where people usually plan for things to do on Fridays.

Friday is that young party animal. Fridays are the best for me. I always go visit friends, have parties, or just visit my girlfriend. I always have so much fun on Fridays. I also usually go to the movies with a bunch of friends. I ask most of my Fridays, and most of them all say that they go somewhere with either friends or family.

Saturday is that guy that is recovering from a hangover. Its usually from what happens on Fridays. When I go to a party full of loud music and dancing, I wake up Saturday with either a headache, tiredness, or sore legs. I also just do like an after party most of the times as well. Either it is another party or just hang out with friends for the whole day.

Sunday is a couch potato. For me personally, Sundays are the most boring day ever. Its so boring that I eventually get anxious to go back to school so I can see my friends again. I just do all homework on that day so that I can at least do something on that day. Also since my family gets bored on Sundays, we go to either the mall of just drive around to random stores.

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