Saturday, April 20, 2013

What Was Going On In The 1950's

The years that the poem "Fences" are in the mid-1950's and early-1960's. The place that it took place was in Pittsburgh, PA.

In the politics world, first and most important of all, WWII was over, the 22nd Amendment was passed in 1951, Dwight D. Eisenhower became president of the United States in 1952, the Korean and the Vietnam War was going on in this time period.

In the economics world, the nation got in debt, the very first credit card appeared in 1950, about 25% of the citizens of the United states lived in poverty.

In the sports world, in 1950 the American sports continued to desegregate when the Boston Celtics from the NBA drafted the first African American player. This helped for all people to play any sport the want without all of the racism.

In the entertainment and technology world, since they now had television, first few shows to air on television were "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" and "The Twilight Zone". In technology, they invented the first voice recorder in 1951,they introduced the car seat belt in 1952, in 1956 they created 3-D for the first time, also they introduced microchips in October 31, 1959. We still use these technology today for everyday life.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

What Young People Understand As Race

     The young people today understand about race as much as a little kid understanding politics. The young people today needs to understand more about their own race and other races. In my opinion all of the young people do not know much about their cultural backgrounds and say that white people are the best. There is basically no difference in which both genders face race and racism.
     Right now about 90% of all young people do not know much about their true backgrounds. The older people know more about their background since they were able to experience and listen more than the younger people. The problem about this is that we all have it drilled into all of our brains that the closer for anyone to be normal is to be white. In the video I watched earlier, there was this test where there was kids and in front of them are two baby dolls. One was a white baby and the other was a black baby. They asked the kids to choose which baby doll that they would prefer to play with. Most of them chose the white baby and a few chose the black baby. Then they asked the kids on why did they choose the white baby instead and they all basically said the same thing, that the white baby looked better than the black baby cause of the color.
     In my history class, we recently talked about the slaves and what they went through. My teacher was talking that no matter what gender you were, you would both expect to do the same amount of work as everyone else. The female slaves were expected to do the same amount of work as a male slave even if they were pregnant. Also in the humiliation and the punishment, they both received the same pain and embarrassment equally no matter the gender.
     To wrap all of this up, no matter what gender you could've been, you got the discrimination. No matter if you were a female or male African American, both were faced with very bad discrimination again them. They hated themselves and in the end they thought the only way to finally accept themselves were by becoming lighter. This needs to stop now. The only way that we can all accept each other in the future is by letting go of discrimination and start a new better life.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

JFK Open Ended Question

President Kennedy believed that the only way to have true progress to actually happen is, if all the nations work together. In the speech that President Kennedy gave to us, it states," Finally,to those nations who would make themselves our adversary, we offer not a pledge but a request: that both sides begin anew the quest for peace, before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction." also,"Let both sides unite to heed, in all corners of the earth, the command of Isaiah -- to undo the heavy burdens, and [to] let the oppressed go free." These two explanations tell us that President Kennedy really thought that peace with each other is the only way to progress forward in this world. Even though Kennedy is talking about nations having peace with each other, we could also use this for much smaller means such as two ethnic groups having a dispute about something very stupid. He also said this to stop will all the hatred against one another but instead to love one another.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

How To Explain St. Patrick's Day

First of all St. Patrick's Day is celebrated on March 17. It is basically a religious feast day and the rememberance of his death in the fifth century. This holiday has been celebrated for more than a 1000 years. Also this holiday falls during the the religious season known as Lent. During Lent, there are days where you have to go full days without eating food. Also there are days where we do not have to eat meat for a day. In St. Patrick's Day, all of this things we can not do during Lent, we are able to do on this day. Also the traditional meal for this holiday are Irish bacon and cabbage. Also in St. Patrick's Day we have to wear green, and go to church in the morning and then we can celebrate it in the afternoon.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Best Friend Love Story

There has been a time in my life where I had to face a challenge and I was able to overcome it. I was able to overcome that obstacle not to long ago. It all started when I was about 7 or 8 years old. My parents wanted to try this thing at church where you get put in a group with other people and you will have to know each other and help each other in obstacles. It is called a community. When you first want to join a community, you will first have what is called a cathequises. I was still too young to understand any of this so I was out in a babysitter that they had. When I was in the babysitter, I did not know anyone. I was that shy little quiet kid. On the first few times that I was at the babysitter, I met this girl. Her name is Natalie. She was the best person I ever met. We started talking more and more. She also had a brother that was also at the babysitter most of the times. He is also a quiet person, and he still is. When my parents joined the community, Natalie parents also joined the same community as my parents which meant that I was going to see Natalie more often... After a couple of years had passed, basically everyone in the babysitter knew one another. We all got along with each other and we played around and everything. I talked with Natalie the most out of everyone in the babysitter. Eventually we became best friends.

After a couple of years, we became so close. We knew many things about each other and such. Her parents decided that they wanted to move back to Argentina now. I was really sad that she was gonna go. I still remember the very few last words that we ever said to each other on the last time that we saw each other, the day right before she was going to leave. We were at a friend's house and we were having a normal conversation. We were sitting next to each other and when her mom said it was time to go, we both looked at each other I said," Well it has been nice knowing you and also for being with me through tough times. I hope to see you again soon :)" She got a bit sad and replied "I will miss you Bryan. We will always email each other ok? I hope to see you again." We both got up and gave each other a big hug. I started to feel sad when she finally left out of the door because I really thought I would never see my best friend no more.

We kept in touch for a long time, I was starting to forget about her and we emailed to each other less and less now. It pasted about 2 years when she told me that she was going to come back to the United States and stay there. At this time, I was mostly happy and some part of me really did not care because, I really forgot how she was so she really did not mean much to me. Plus when I found out, I was in Ecuador for the vacation. I really did not pay much attention. When I came back, and I finally saw her, it was kinda awkward cause we looked so different from how we used to see each other. It took a while but we finally started talking more and more again. Eventually we became best friends again. The bad new though was that we were getting too old for the babysitter. The oldest age that you can be in the babysitter is about 12 years old. I was already 12 and I was going to join a community of my own. I left my best friend alone in the babysitter. I see her less now. I was becoming apart from Natalie now because I did not see her as much now.

We started talking less to each other now since we had other friends. We still had those times where we would see each other at times and there was this on particular day... I fell in love with her this one day. My parent's community had a picnic and we went with them and we were there for most of the day. Natalie and I were just talking and I noticed how much we had in common. I also noticed that she is very cute. During that day, I fell in love with her. I did not want to tell her because I feared that if I told her and she did not feel the same for me, our friendship would be ruined. I just pretended like everything was normal and it worked for most of the time. I noticed that she started to like some other guys when she went into a community as well. When I saw some of the guys in her community, I got jealous cause I thought that one of those guys would start to like Natalie, and she would do the same. I really got jealous and whenever I see Natalie with another guy and she was laughing at one of his jokes, I got so jealous. Natalie noticed that I started to act differently when she is around guys and asked," Are you ok Bryan?" I replied "Yeah. Why wouldn't I not be ok?" She said "Because you act differently when I am around other guys, are you sure you are ok?" I started to blush and I couldn't think of nothing to say back so I walked away. I was too stupid to realize that I just gave it away that I had feelings for her.

This has been going on for years. I was going to be ready to give up and just forget about Natalie entirely. I wanted to give it one more chance. I planned to just wait until we get more mature and then I finally confess my feelings. I never told her. I also found this other girl that I started to like. I wanted to forget about my feelings for Natalie awhile and try to see if I can go out with this other girl. She was very pretty. We became friends and I could not stop thinking about her. I even told Natalie one day and she seemed to act differently whenever I talked her about my new friend. What I did not know of until later was that she was actually jealous. I even came up to her and asked the same question she told me a couple of years ago," Natalie are you ok?" She tried to pretend everything was fine. I really did not pay much attention to it. I finally thought that I got over my feelings for Natalie until she told me that she was going to visit Argentina for the winter break. I noticed that I still liked her cause I got so sad again. When she was about to leave, I was going to tell her how I felt about her but something told me not to say it yet. I followed what it said. We said our goodbyes and we kept in touch. I kept on talking her about my friend and she kept on acting weirdly. I really was about to just give up on Natalie instead since I had my other friend until this one day came. We were chatting and I finally told her my plan, I said "Natalie, there is something I really want to say but I will not tell you until we are older." She replied with," What is it? Tell me now, I want to know." I did not want to tell her but she kept asking and asking ad I finally gave in. I told her this, “Natalie, we have been friends for so long. What I want to say is that, during these times that we knew each other, I started to have feelings for you. I like you Natalie." I was too scared on what she as going to reply so I logged off and I logged back in to check what she would say, surprisingly she replied," haha I knew it for a while, well guess what? I like you to :)" I really never thought that she would like me back. After she came back from Argentina, I went up to her and I settled everything straight. I asked her out and she said yes.


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day Origin

St. Valentine actual origin is unknown. The real reason why we celebrate Valentines Day to commemorate St. Valentine that died on February 14. Saint Valentine was a Roman priest and a doctor. An emperor named Claudius II took a liking to Saint Valentine. Valentine tried to convert the emperor but he failed and Claudius sentenced him to an ugly death. He was beaten, stoned, and finally his head was chopped off. He died on February 14. People then made February 14 as a feast day. People also used to believe that February 14 also known as Valentine's feast day, it was for a a day of romance since the 14th century, which was believed that it was the start of the bird's mating season to begin.

In this graph, it shows the amount of breakups people have on Facebook. Its very high when it comes to Spring Break and 2 weeks before Christmas. In Spring Break, even though we have about a week of no school, it does not mean that you can go party with other random girls or guys. That would look bad if your boyfriend/girlfriend found out that you are having a party full of the opposite gender. When it is 2 weeks before Christmas, you have to make sure that the person that you are going out with is someone that you would not be ashamed to show to your parents. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Personification means that you bring life to an inanimate object. Like for example, the avalanche devoured everything in its path.

Monday is a zombie apocalypse. Most of the people in Mondays all have days where they are all tried, wanting to do nothing, confused, etc. like zombies. I have so many friends that all start Mondays the same way, they all wake up tired, go to school tired, and then when they get home, most of my friends go back to sleep. Mondays are not good for anyone. Mostly everyone hates Mondays.

Tuesday is the boring old history teacher. Since Tuesdays is so far from the weekend, it is just a boring regular day for me. history is usually the most boring subject taught to me. I do not see any fun in it. Tuesdays are the same for me. I basically do nothing. There are some days where I am able to do something productive, but it happens rarely.

Wednesday is that shy kid that really does not talk much. Wednesdays is that type of day where we usually just do nothing at home. What I usually do on a regular Wednesday is, go to school and just take up space in a classroom for about 6 hours. After go home and either just watch some television or go on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Then I go do my homework and by the time I finish, it is already 10 and then I go to bed. Wednesdays I also go babysitting for some money.

Thursday is a little kid eager to go to a candy shop. Little kids can't wait to go to the candy shop. Its the same when we are on Thursday. We can't wait for Friday to come and for the weekend. Most cause we get to relax and have time to hang out with friends. Also on Thursdays, its the day where people usually plan for things to do on Fridays.

Friday is that young party animal. Fridays are the best for me. I always go visit friends, have parties, or just visit my girlfriend. I always have so much fun on Fridays. I also usually go to the movies with a bunch of friends. I ask most of my Fridays, and most of them all say that they go somewhere with either friends or family.

Saturday is that guy that is recovering from a hangover. Its usually from what happens on Fridays. When I go to a party full of loud music and dancing, I wake up Saturday with either a headache, tiredness, or sore legs. I also just do like an after party most of the times as well. Either it is another party or just hang out with friends for the whole day.

Sunday is a couch potato. For me personally, Sundays are the most boring day ever. Its so boring that I eventually get anxious to go back to school so I can see my friends again. I just do all homework on that day so that I can at least do something on that day. Also since my family gets bored on Sundays, we go to either the mall of just drive around to random stores.