Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Mysterious Land of Potatoes

4 friends that came from different parts of the world. 2 of them came from Central America, 1 from South America and the other friend came from China. The two friends from Central America are Alexa, and Johnathan . Alexa is from Nicaragua and Johnathan from El Salvador. The friend that came from China is called Estephany. People usually call her Pucca. The one that is from South America is... ME! We all were on summer break and decided to meet up in front of PHS. It was on a Friday that we did all of this. The first to be there was Estephany. I came second and then came Alexa and Johnathan. We really had nothing planned for the whole summer so we decided to fund some summer camp or just go somewhere for a couple of weeks. We had many good ideas to do and then Johnathan wanted to be funny and blurted out "LET'S GO TO THE LAND OF POTATOES!!!" We all looked at him with a straight face. He just started to laugh and I was smirking. He also took out his laptop and searched up "Land of Potatoes" Something actually came up and what caught our eye was an island.
We were all surprised that something actually came up and Johnathan wanted to go there and I agreed. We all talked about it and we decided to actually go there. Now all we had to do was let our parents go there for a couple of weeks. I called my Dad and he instantly agreed that he wanted me to do something productive for the summer and this would be a something cool to do. The rest of the gang called each of their parents and and they agreed. I thought it was unusual but I did not care, we were going to an island!! I was happy. We decided that we needed a boat to get there and clothing. Neither of them were much of a big deal since Alexa's dad is very rich and actually can lent us a big boat to use. We decided to meet up at Alexa's house Saturday morning at 10. We all went straight home to find clothing and extra stuff to bring. I brought my phone and my Ipod with about almost all of my clothing. I don't know what everyone else brought exactly. I was so excited to go on this field trip with my amigos. I like to come early and I saw that Alexa was researching on the island the whole morning. She found out that no one ever came out alive and that if you live, you will see the world differently. She got excited now that she knew that there will be action. Johnathan came like 30 minutes later then me and Estephany was with Alexa the whole night since she slept over. We were all ready to go and Alexa's dad gave us a ride to the boat. I had a question that I never asked Alexa, "Where is this island located anyways?" She explained that the island doesn't have a permanent place, "The island always move around but it never leaves the Atlantic Ocean. My dad found a very trained sailor that actually pasted through the same island twice in his life but never went there." I was still confused but I really did not worry much about it. We all boarded the ship and we settled down and each room looked like a 5 star hotel room. It had many things that you usually would not find in regular cruise ships. We were all too excited that we were finally going to the island. Johnathan locked himself in his room so Alexa, Pucca and I tried to listen what he was mumbling in his room. What we heard exactly was, "Potatoes, potatoes,potatoes,potat...oes. I am finally gonna meet the Great potato and his many wonders." We could not help but laugh and Johnathan heard us so I ran straight back to my room and the other two went running to the poop deck (hehe poop deck). Johnathan knocked on my door and I opened and wanted to follow me to the poop deck as well. We met up with Alexa and Estephany. We just started to have our usual conversation and either Estephany or Johnathan had a question saying "Who is the person that is sailing this ship?" We wanted to investigate and what we found got us by surprised. We found a cubicle next to the steering wheel, and it was something that we all knew to well that liked to be in cubicles most of his time. It was Brandon! We were all confused on why Brandon was the sailor since he is the same age as us. He all gave us a map to know where we are and it actually showed our position in the ocean.
We were all confused even Alexa never knowing who the sailor was before. We all asked him while Johnathan yelled out "POTATOES!!" Brandon was surprised and went up to Johnathan and replied "potatoes." Johnathan eyes grew big and suddenly they had a convo only saying potatoes and potato related food like, "Potatoes, tater tots, mash potatoes, french fries." Both of them were having the longest conversation on potatoes and I could not resist the urge on laughing. Both of them looked at me with a straight face. Alexa and Estephany was also laughing and we did not stop so instead they stopped their conversation and started to talk to us. Brandon was informing us to keep and eye out for any particular island with clouds on top of the mountain. We all agreed and Brandon said one last word of potato to Johnathan. Johnathan understood and then went with us to the cafeteria. We were all so hungry and in the menu I saw something that I know will make me laugh when Johnathan see me eating it. There was tater tots and I took a plate full of them and when Johnathan saw the plate, he started to tear up and said to me in a sad voice, "Why Bryan? Why are you eating my family?" I was laughing so hard that it made me choke on the tater tots and then Johnathan started to laugh and replied "This is what happens when you want to eat my family, we get revenge." And I was staring at him with a straight face cause I know that he was trying to funny so I started to  laugh as well. Alexa and Estephany was both still trying to figure out what they wanted to eat since the cafeteria had so many varieties of food. After a long day of trying to find the island and just talking to each other about dumb conversations, we decided to go to sleep since it was already 11. Estephany and Alexa were getting sleepy but for some reason Johnathan and me could not sleep the whole night. I decided to visit his room and just chat for some of the night. I was talking to him about my whole complicated life and about this one person that has been in my life for about 8 years. We have been through many tough times. He told me if I loved this person and I just started to blush. I whispered "We love each other as brother and sister" He was not convinced on the answer. As we kept on talking I was feeling sleepy and I went back to my room. I was listening to this song called (Jasper Forks~ Rivers flows in you) it usually calms me down whenever I am in an angry mood and such. When I listen to this song, I always imagine a girl with me, she is short and about my color of skin. She has smooth soft hair with the best features of a face. She is a crush I have since last year. She disappeared recently and they never found her. And in my vision, we talk, act dumb, and just have a good time. I always daydream about her even though she is probably dead or just missing. After like when it was 12:30 I fell asleep listening to my music and I see her again.
In my dream, I am starting to dream more about her now. It has to mean something for me. I see her in a white dress and all she says to me was "Stay with me... I would will never leave your side if you stay." I wanted to say something but I could not move or talk, I was a spectator. My body had its own control. I just watched and I noticed that I was in an island and I see Estephany, and Alexa in the ground knocked out. I was confused and I noticed the girl disappeared and I was fighting against something dark and I was losing. He had a blade on my throat and said "you will not make it out alive!!!!" I woke up with a startled. Everyone was in my room and all had a worried face. They said that I was knocked out cold for 4 days straight. I did not feel weird or anything so we all decided to just forget about it and just eat our breakfast. We were having a usual breakfast when, The speaker in the cafeteria yelled out and almost scared all 4 of us. It was Brandon and it yelled out "WE FOUND THE ISLAND OF POTATOES!!!" I was holding my laughter and I saw Johnathan with a big smile and we ran up to the poop deck (hehe I still laugh when I hear that name lol) I saw the same island as the one that Alexa showed me in the computer. Brandon parked the boat and he tied his boat off and started to climb the cliffs. He knew that no one had lived to tell what was behind the cloud, but he still climbed. We followed him and he stopped when he saw the inside of the island. He was overjoyed with all these potatoes that were all around the forest. Brandon yelled out that he is going ahead of us and that we will meet up at the boat the next day at noon. We agreed and Brandon disappeared  little did we know that it would be the last time we see Brandon in his human form. We climbed the cliffs as well and Johnathan was also shocked by the amount of potatoes. He did not go crazy cause for some reason, he had a feeling that the potatoes were all a trap. We kept on walking ans more and more potatoes showed up in the forest.
 We kept on walking and I noticed something familiar, I saw a girl that I thought I would never see again in my life, it was the girl I was crushing on. She still looked the same but instead with a white dress and her hair got longer than usual. I was amazed by how she looked more beautiful with longer hair. We were all surprised that she was still alive. We were talking to her again on what she was missing out and that she could come back with us. Her face came from happy to a sad face. She said that if she leaves this island, no one will take care of the island. Johnathan looked determined and just started to say "potatoes" and the girl was amazed and they had another conversation with potatoes. I still found it funny and the girl looked at me with a serious face and for the first time, I stopped laughing. I also noticed something else, Estephany went missing. We got scared and asked the girl if Estephany was with us when we saw you and she said "Yes, she just went to pee." I thought she was kidnapped or something terrible must have happened to her but nothing really. The girl said to follow her and we did, and we went up the island to where the fogginess became dense. It was getting much harder to see and once we got to the top, we saw a HUGE POTATO FARM. Johnathan finally went crazy and ran toward the potato farm. He had a big smile and was talking to the potatoes, he said that he is going to be there for some time, We kept on walking and we entered a cave. It was the same place where I fought the black figure in my dream. We kept on walking until there was a dead end and then we all got confused. The girl looked at us and said "I am truly sorry my friends, I have lead you to a trap." Then a big noise shook the room. The same black figure came out of nowhere and had a long black sword that looked like it could cut anything in the world. I don't know what happened to me but I felt like I could defeat this creature. The girl said "The ruler wants me to give you all a sword to fight him to the death." I had a took a blue sword that looked like Poseidon made this sword. It looked like I was looking into the sea. I felt ready that I could take him on. Estephany took the first attack and ran up toward the creature, she missed by an inch and the creature just punched her in the face, she fell back and dazzled from the punch. Alexa went second but had her own strategy, it seemed like it was going to work until the girl turned into the same black creature. Alexa felt intimidated as well as I. She ran back toward me and the two creatures went charging up to me. My crush wanted to literally crush me (hehe) and I had shock cause I did not want to kill her. Alexa yelled out to me "She is not the same person you knew before!!! KILL HER before she kills you!!" I still did not want to kill her so Alexa and me switched and Alexa got into a trap and got jumped by the two creatures. They really did not pay attention to me. They picked up Alexa and threw her next to me and she was completely knocked out. Estephany finally went back to her senses and rejoined me. Estephany was actually able to kill the first creature. The girl creature got mad and kicked Estephany so hard that she got knocked out as well. I was the only one fighting. She changed back into her human form and it got me by surprised. It showed me that I could not kill her since she is still the same person. She went up to me and took my sword and went back to her creature form and put the sword up my throat. I was so sure that it was the same as my dream and she even said "you will not make it out alive!!!" I thought I actually lost until I heard some strange rolling sound. I looked back and noticed Johnathan with an army of potatoes. I had another urge to laugh and his face was determined again. There was literally an army of potatoes, some of the potatoes were flying small versions of a fighter plane. It got me to laugh and the girl started to feel intimidated.
The potatoes actually helped me to get back up and medical potatoes went into Estephany's and Alexa's mouth and they both immediately got all their health back. I also ate one of those potatoes. The potatoes planes and the soldiers were all able to kill the creature and I felt sadness in my heart but we had to leave the island quick before it goes under the sea. I noticed that it was not Johnathan talking but a potato and it was BRANDON!! I laughed again and I took the potato with me and we all ran back to the boat. We all made it back safely. The only two problems left that we had was, who is going to drive us back home, and how is Brandon going to go back to his human form????? Luckily Alexa knew how to drive a boat and we had to leave Brandon a potato forever. That is why Johnathan has a potato as a pet, it is Brandon.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

A dream unlike no other that I had

I recentely had a dream about something I reallt never told no one about.It is about a crush I have for someone. Her name is (I will use a fake name so that it can be kept private) Nicole. She is one of the most beautifulest girl I have ever seen. She is shorter then me and is older then me. I had a dream about her where another person that knows both Nicole and me was chatting with me on facebook. The girl only told me one thing and which was "Nicole likes u xD" when I read that I was kinda surprised and very happy at the same time. Then all of a sudden the dream changed scenarios. I was back at school and it looked like any other regular day but instead no one was in the school except for Nicole and me. We had an unusual conversation like we always do in real life. We were just walking around the whole school and talking. Then again the scenario changed again but it was outside of the school, where Nicole and me hang out. I was there with another friend and we were talking and out of no where, my friend vanished and when I looked back, I saw Nicole running up toward me and just kissed me. I swore that I actually thought it was all real for a second. The dream ended after that. Could this dream mean something for me?

I went on google to find out what does it mean when someone has a dream about their crush. What I found was that it meant that I have a basic desire to be with that person. It was correct cause I always want for the next day to come so that I can see her again. I also found what it means about my crush kissing me. It says that it was only a fantasy. I was a bit depressed about what I found. But I also rememebered that what I dreamed about where I was talking to Nicole, most of what we were talking about is mostly true except for the fact that she kissed me. I also have a feeling about where the chat I had with that girl about her saying that Nicole likes me will become true in the near future. I have a feeling that it might happen.

I remember a book that had some type of similarity of what I am having right now. It was bout some dude that had problems with his family and friends and found a girl that is very popular and beautiful. He really never liked anyone but this girl made him think different. He didn't like her cause of her good looks, but instead cause she had something that most girls didn't have in his school, being nice to everyone. He had gotten a crush. He wanted to find some way to actually get this girl to like him. He became more popular, he gotten stronger and skinnier, and a new hairdo. He really wanted to impress the popular girl and out of no where, they became friends. He actually thought his plan was working. He did so many things to try to get the girl to like her. He soon realised that she was close on hooking up on some guy. He gotten every sad since he did so many things that he would never do to impress anyone. It then goes on more about the book about the guy trying to find out who the other person that the girl liked so much. In the end he found out that it was himself. It was really made me think and want to know if the same thing could happen to me and Nicole.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Dog Like No Other

The picture that I chose to pick was of the dog that was with the grave of the dead owner. It goes to show that a dog can be very loyal to the owner. In the description, it says that, "A dog named "Leao" sits for a second consecutive day at the grave of her owner, who died in the disastrous landslides near Rio de Janiero on January 15, 2011." Also I heard more information about the picture and it says that the dog kept on coming back to the owner's grave everytime people take the god away from th grave. The dog Leao didn't even eat on those two days waiting for the owner to come back. In the picture, I see a dog patiently waiting for the owner to get out of the grave and feed the dog (I guess). The grave seems to be out in the middle of no where but the dog was still able to find the owner. I guess the owner died from falling into one of those landslides or something filling the landslide where the owner was located at with the dirt. What is happening now is Leao is sitting next to the owner's grave just waiting for the time when the owner comes back from the dead. The dog is probably looking at a car that is coming to take the dog away and put Leao in a cage. The other land slides are just empty, but the grave has full of dirt on top. One thing that questions me is, why are there landslides in this place? Also how did the owner die exactly?

I have a dog exactly like that. I have another golden retriever named Maya. She is like the dog Leao. I even tried it, I place my dog in my front yard and tell her to sit and I tell my dad to drive me to the nearest park. Once I got there I just waited for Maya to see if she knows where I am, and luckily enough I saw my dog running towards me. I really do not know how these dogs do it. I even did it again but when to a park that was farther from my house, I went to a park in South Plainfield and I did the same thing again, left my dog in the front yard. Guess what happened!? Maya came to the park again! I was so happy that I treated her to many dog treats. I think that Leao was the same with the owner. When I was in Ecuador, I saw this kid and this dog. The kid was homeless and begged for me to keep his dog. I was nervous cause I could not say no or yes. I told her that I could find a person to take care of his dog. He was so glad and it seemed like this kid did not eat for about a week now. When I said that I could help find a house for his dog, he was glad and just slowly diedin front of me. All he did was close his eyes and next thing I know he stopped moving. The dog was whining and pushing the little owner but he did not move. I felt sad and I tried taking the dog but he did not want to move. I picked the dog since he was so little but when I was almost home and I putthe dog down to get my keys and open the door. I saw that the dog just went full speed to the way we came walking from. I followed the dog and I saw that it went back where the little boy died right in front of me. I felt so sad but I took the boy and dug a hole in the nearest park and put a small cross on it. The dog was so sad since he now knew what happened to his owner. I took the dog again and found him a home. I told the new owner that whenever you walk the dog and the dog runs away, go to the park where his old owner was buried at. The owner agreed and took the dog.

What I think will happen in this picture is that someone will take the dog away to a new owner and let the dog visit the old owner's grave from time to time. I think it will be like the other story about te homeless boy and his dog. Leao will be very sad and try to run away to the owner's grave and just wait there again like always. One thing that they should do though is to find an owner that lives close to where the landslides are located at. It would be good for the dog so that the dog can visit the owner's grave. Also they should tell the new owner of the dog that when the dog dies, they should have the dog get buried either right next to the owner, or in one of those holes close to the owner. It would be the most best ting for a person to do for a dog that is sad, to let it be next to the owner for eternity. But they should also make a memorial for that person and have a another memorial for the dog when it dies. Leao is very loyal to her owner. There are other dogs like Leao in the world but she will be remembered for the most. I liked this photo the most because, out of all of the other 40 photos I saw, when I saw that picture of the dog waiting for its owner, it made me remember of what happened in Ecuador. It also made me feel bad for the dog cause I know that there is no use in waiting for a dead person to come back but the dog does not know any better. I just hope that Leao is alive right now and in good health and visit her owner every once and a while.

Monday, November 19, 2012

My trip to Madrid

Madrid is the capital and the largest city in Spain. It is also the third largest city in the European Union. The populations of Madrid is roughly about 3.3 million people. The whole Madrid city extends a total of 233.3 square miles. Madrid is also in the middle Spain. Madrid is home to the Spainsh monarch.

It was March 10, 2022 and I was freaking out at the time cause I had no more money because I had wasted almost all of my money on a ticket for a soccer game. The only way to actually get some money back is to find a job and pay for the hotel that I am staying right now. I had some time because I just got to Madrid and for the hotel I said that I was gonna stay in there for about one week and a half. The good news was that the hotel was gonna let me pay for the hotel when I was going to leave back to the airport and then home. I told them my situation and they totally understood my situation about the ticket for a game. And they even knew that I needed a job so they offered me one but I asked how much I had to pay and they said "About 800 euros." My mouth just dropped. How was I supposed to get 800 euros in a week and half? Then I asked the manager about how much will I earn if I accept the job for the one week and a half, He said about 300 euros. I got mad that it wouldn't be enough to repay the hotel. I had to find another job. Luckily I found a help wanted sign on a nearby restaurnat, the bad news was that it was for a waiter. I won't be able to earn 500 euros in only a week and half of being a waiter. I knew I had to find a plan to get the 500 euros in a week and a half. The next day came and it was the day of the soccer game that I bought from most of my money. When I was entering I noticed that it was Real Madrid vs. Barcelona or known as El Clasico. I also noticed that there was a betting booth nearby. It was a great oppourtunity to bet and try to get as much money as I can. I said that I bet for Real Madrid and the person in the booth went for Barcelona, I only had about 100 euros with me since it was emergency money. I placed it all and the person said that he will go twice the amount and bet 200 euros. I got nervous because if I lose the bet, I won't be able to pay for my food anymore.

It was halftime and the score was 1-3 and Barcelona was winning by two points. I got even more nervous because the team that I was betting on was losing by two goals. The only thing I could now is pray so that my team makes 3 or goals and Barcelona scores nothing so Real Madrid can win. It was an interesting match in the second half, it got down to 5-5 and it just got to extra time and it could be anyone's game. Only one goal from either team and they win. I was shaking on hoping that my team wins and I get the 200 euros. Next thing I remembered was my team making a goal and me going crazy from the happiness that I won the bet. I now had 300 euros and I only needed 200 more euros before I can pay the hotel and go back home in peace. As I was walking back outside from the stadium, I saw that there was a bakruptcy taking place right now and the robbers took the truck full of money but forgot to close the back door and a bag full of money just fell out right in front of me. The robbers didn't stop because the cops were right behind them and the cops didn't stop to take the money as well since they were busy trying to get the robbers. I looked around and apparently no one was outside near me. It was the biggest tempatition to the bad guy and take the money which was about 900 euros in bag or just be good guy and take the money and bring  it to the police. I was desperate so I took the money back to my place. I don't know how no one noticed that I was holding a bag full of stolen money like it was commen for them or something but they didn't stop me in bringing the money in my hotel room.

I was counting on how much money I got from the bag after having to pay for the hotel. I got 200 euros from the game and 900 euros from the bag. I still took the job in the hotel so that I can actually keep some money so in total I earned about 600 euros after paying for the hotel. I was extremely happy to actually earn much money in only about a couple of days. When the day of when I had to pack up and leave, I went all Around Madrid on a spending spree and bought many, many things like about 100 souvenirs for all of my friends and family, and ate in 5 star restaurants. I will miss Madrid and hope I can go back there soon again.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Impact of Hurricane Sandy

The day when the Hurricane came, my family already knew that it was gonna come so we just decided to sit back and watch Madea Witness Protection Program. While we were in the middle of the movie, I was told that my friend's light were flickering but I didn't know about it since I turned the lights of for the movie. Then a friend told me that their power went out but they lived in Sctoch Plains and next thing I know when I told my friend that i hope my power wont go out, my power went out. I used my Ipod as a light to go downstairs and check on my Dad. He turned on about 4 candles and told me to put one of them in my room and another in my parents room. After a while waiting to see if the power would come back on, I knew it was hopeless of me just waiting for the power to come back on by how strong the wind was. I was just waiting for the power to come back so that I could get back on facebook so that I could chat with my friends. Also my Ipod battery was dying so I preserved the battery for later use, just in case something happens and I need it.
 It seemed like time just went on slow motion cause the time pasted so slowly, so what my family did was go to the kitchen and talk about all the memories my family had when we were in Ecuador. I couldn't participate most of the time because  I was in the story too much since I only lived in Ecuador until I was 2 so all the memories either happened before I was born or I just couldn't remember. Then my Dad started talking about legends of Ecuador. My Dad asked "Bryan do you want to know an urban legend of church in the capital?" "Sure." I said enthusiastically. It was kinda interesting but in most parts he said that it was supposed to creep me out and not be able to go to sleep but it was easy. He even told me a cool legend where there are places all over in Ecuador where if u feel soft dirt and you put your hand in there, if you go deep enough you will find a lot of money like about $200. The only bad thing is that if you try and grab the money and take it out from the dirt, you automatically die. For a couple of days, my family really got closer together without all of the electricity, so all we could so was just talk to each other. We actually settled differences we had for so long, and got to know each other better now.

After like one week past after Hurricane Sandy hit us, my house was getting too cold to stay in what I did was to ask my parents if I could sleep over friends' houses everyday so that I don't have to sleep in the cold, and surprisingly my Dad said yes. I was kinda excited to finally see my friends again after from what had happened I couldn't know if anything bad had happened to any of my friends or what and I have this friend that came over with her family and when they got to my house, they noticed how cold my house was and asked if they wanted for us to go to their house and be in the warmth (they had gotten power after a couple of days after Sandy hit). I was about to go emotional when I noticed they had wifi and i was able to get into it. My exact words when i turned the wifi on was "OMG! I am finally out of the Stone Age and back into the real world. I am first gonna check facebook to see if anyone is alive?" My friend heard me and just started laughing like crazy. Hehe i started to laugh as well. I asked her parents if i can stay over here and they said, "Our house is your house" and showed me the guest's room. I settled all of my things (extra pant and shirt) in the guest room and came back to see my friend and just spend quality time with her. I also bonded more with her now. I felt bad that I was gonna sleep at my friend's house while my parents go back to the cold house, but then he told me something that made me happy, he said " A good friend of mine just called me saying that they have light and that they have a lot of room for our whole family to spend the night at." I told him if I could stay at my friend's house even though the rest of my family was going to another house (they don't have a person my age to interact with). He knew that so he smiled and said sure. This solved our problem about us sleeping in warmth. I forgot completely to go to another house cause my friend and her family really takes care of me like I an part of the family as well. I actually call my Dad everyday to see if the power came back or not but every time i ask him he just gives me the same response "I'm sorry but no." After awhile I just gave up on calling my Dad to check. Wednesday morning I woke up from someone calling me early in the morning. I picked up and realized that it was my Dad and he told me that our house just got power back. I was so happy that I wanted to go but it would have been rude leaving early at my friend's house. I told her mom and she said in concerned "So you are gonna leave right now?" I felt sad about actually thinking on leaving soon but I just told her that I will stay until it gets dark again and maybe spend one more day. Her expression changed into an excited smile. They really like my company there. Even my friend was thrilled that i was staying for a little longer. We had so much fun i almost forgot it was already 10 and I forgot to tell my Dad that I was gonna stay for one more day, but my friend's mom already called my Dad so I was even more surprised that he is letting me do this again. I left the next day around noon,and came back to my normal life. I realized how the internet actually kept me away from interacting mire with friends and family. After about a couple of days, I was just waiting for school to start again and go back to my daily life.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Joy of Life

1.) What Chris is talking about in this small paragraph of words that, every person does not want to move out of their comfort zone. We basically live in a world full of security, and comfort. When people finally go out in the real world like the wilderness, they do not like it and they go back in their fake world of security. Also how we fool ourselves with the security, like how if a person lives their whole lives in security, they would have never know what real freedom, enjoyment is. If someone never really felt how it means to be in the world without sercurity, it would suck to be them. It is the best experience of your whole life. I do agree with what Chris says in those sections of words. I have been in the wilderness before. It feels amazing it is like all of your stress, problems, and everything bad from the society just goes away from the time you go into the wild until the time you leave it.

2.) Chris embraced these beliefs by just following it. He wanted to do these beliefs for an extremely long time now. Since he was finally able to get a chance to do, he did it without thinking twice. He chise to follow these beliefs. He wanted to be a free man, so all he had to d was abandon his old life without his family, and start a new life as Alex Supertramp.

3.) My life has been conditioned to being with sercurity, comfort, and conservation in basically everything that I do. When I go to school, I go with my crowd of people that I am comfortable with. Also how when I use my Ipod in almost everything that I do. Living in the wilderness, it is a great experience to have without any electronics, connections to the world, etc. If I met Chris, the type of specific qustions that he would ask are, if I am corrupted by the the cruel society with elctronics, security, comfort etc. Also if I have any family problems, or friendship problems. If he known my personal life, he would have noticed that i have too much to handle friendship relationship problems. What he would encourage me to do is, he would tell me to try and fix all of my friendship problems and find out who are your real friends and who are not. He would also encourage me to use my Ipod for less time.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Poems that Chris Might Like


Travel to the place
Where mind set to peace,
No one can see,
Feel us free.

Travel to the place
Where we can breathe,
Fill our desire,
We wish; we aspire.

Travel to the place
Where we have silence,
Flower of fragrance,
And nature to admire.

Travel to the place
Where we can write,
Lines of rhyme,
At any time.

Travel to the place
Where we have enough space,
Work without race,
No tension on face.

Travel to the place
Where we can dance,
Sing at glance,
Bit of time to romance.

Travel to the place
Where we spread love,
Freedom to serve
And land to move.

Travel to the place
Where we can live,
Of joy and sprinkle its grace,
And do anything, anywhere. 
Divyesh J. Shah


You hear Nature's voice in the river that ever flows on towards the sea
A voice destined to live forever that has lived for untold centuries
From the foothills of the high country it babbles downhill night and day
By groves and by ditches and hedgerows to saltwater it winds it's way.

You hear Nature's voice in her birdsong their music carrying in the breeze
The sounds that the freshening winds make rustling in the leaves of the trees
Some of the happier sounds of Nature though to Nature there's another side
When Nature she shouts out her anger all others from her seek a safe place to hide.

When Nature she grows very angry the fear of the World is in her cry
She shakes the Earth flattens great buildings she roars and her lightning flashes in the sky
She crackles when her forests burn leaving blackness and smoke everywhere
With the power of Nature in a fury none other can hope to compare.

You hear Nature's voice in all Seasons Winter, Spring and Summer and Fall
And you hear Nature's voice in the night-time when her nocturnal creatures do call 
Nature's voice will live on forever 'tis something not destined to die
As Nature herself does not have a time span as such are for mortals such as I. 
Francis Duggan

In the first poem, it talks about the places where everyone wants to travel. It is explaining everyone's dream place to travel. If you summarize the whole poem into one sentence, it would say that if you travel to your favorite place, you have peace and you will not regret it. It also talks about how it would feel if you were in your favorite place. In every paragraph it starts with the line "Travel to the place..." and in every paragraph all have similar explanations on why you should travel to your favorite place. This poem reminds of every time I go to Ecuador in the summer. I can forget everything that is happening in the USA and have a new free life in Ecuador. It feels like when I'm in Ecuador, all of my problems and stress just disappear. I always get mad when my time in Ecuador is almost over I get mad and try to do as many things as I can that I could never do here.

In the second poem, it talks about how nature is all around us and it will not die until the end of time. Nature is found in almost everywhere, in fact it IS found everywhere. Nature will be around all year long and even past the time we die. Everything that us humans made all came from nature in the beginning. Also it talks about the nature's voice like the animals, the wind, etc. Also about nature's feelings where when shew is angry, she causes earthquakes, and lightning. When it nature is happy, calm winds, and sunny days. I went camping once when I was 12 years old. My family and some friends went to PA and found a perfect place to camp. We all settled down, made our tents, and enjoyed nature. We were there for about a whole weekend. We were disconnected from the world and the problems it comes with. We had nothing except nature itself. Every time when it was night, i used to go with my friend to a secret place I found nearby our tents, and it was a perfect place to look at the stars. It was amazing until we had to go back into our everyday lives.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A New Day in Spain

I really want to get away from the cruel society that the United States brings in this world. As of right now I have been saving up on my $2500 to get a flight ticket to Spain, Madrid. As I begin my journey, I get all the right materials, clothes, camera, my journal, my toothbrush, and my phone and Ipod. I would at least tell my brother to tell my parents that I went to Madrid but I will tell him once I get to Madrid. At last! The fresh smell of Spain. Just stepping out of the airplane, I feel much more free then when I was in New Jersey. Its nine in the morning when I stepped out of the plane. Since I'm using the time in New Jersey I have to forward the time by six hours. So in Spain it is three in the afternoon. Also the immigration line is very long so I just take out my Ipod and listen to songs with my earphones. As I listen to my songs I noticed a woman just looking at me repeatedly. I didn't think it was strange so I just ignored her and waited in line. After what must have been like 3 hours waiting in the line and getting all my bags, I was finally free in Spain! The first thing that I did was find a cab and ask him for any good locations on hotels. He was to get to one and as I got out of the cab, I saw that woman again. I was becoming a bit suspicious but i still didn't worry about it.
I just ignored her again. As I went inside to check into the hotel, I noticed something familiar in the lobby. I couldn't of what it was but it felt like I had been in this same lobby before. I tried just ignoring the fact that it felt so familiar but as I got to my room, I felt better. I decided to stay in my room for today but as the next day comes I will start to get to know Spain. Spain is very exciting! I went to eat at restaurants and then just spend the rest of the day either walking or in a taxi. Most of the time is spend the first couple of days going to parks and meeting strangers and say "hola!" and most of the time I always brighten up the strangers day by either giving them good advice or just making them laugh. After a couple of days past, I noticed that I'm just spending my time in the same place, and the whole reason why I came to Spain was to know most of the places in Spain, not to stay in one place for the whole time I'm in Spain. I rented a car in a nearby place and I asked him if I could rent it for 4 weeks and he was okay with it. I had to go back to the hotel I was in and go to the lobby and give their room key back, but as I was walking out again I saw that strange woman again. I didn't know what to do so I took all of my stuff out of the hotel and into the rented car.
The first thing that I decided to do was to get a ticket to see a Real Madrid play before I leave back to the United States. Again I see that same woman again and she kept on staring at me. I was getting more and more scared but I kept on walking. Just when I bought the ticket, I went straight to the car and drove off to a city nearby. I stopped and walked around to check out the place. It was very good to stay at since there were a lot of homeless people walking around and a lot of robbers, I decided to get back in the car and drive south of Madrid to a city named Móstoles. It was very beautiful and neat, so I decided to find a nearby hotel and stay in for one night. As I checked the whole map of Spain i noticed that I wanted to go to Barcelona. I decided to go to Barcelona to know how that city looks like since a lot of people that I met, most of them said that I have to visit Barcelona before I left so I decided to do it. It took a couple of days to get there but I finally did it. They where right that Barcelona was a beautiful city. As I got out of the car to go get something to eat, I got scared! The same girl that stalked me throughout the entire time that I was in Spain was working in a restaurant I was in as a waiter.After I got out of the restaurant, I noticed her following me. I had to stop this nonsense so I stopped turned around go asked her what is her named. She replied "My name is Estephany." I asked "Why do you keep following me?" She frowned and replied "Do you have a problem?" I got mad and yelled "Yes! It is getting creepy that you are following me around. Why?". Next thing I know, she brings out a hammer. I was shocked and asked "Why do you have a hammer?" She smirked and said "Because you have something that I want..." I got confused and asked "What thing?"
I blacked out not knowing what just happened. I woke up in the hospital and the doctors told me "A girl hit you with a hammer on your head and took everything in your pocket." I was thinking what I had in my pocket and I remembered that I had my Ipod in it so it became clear that she wanted my Ipod. The doctor said " I'm very surprised that you survived after getting hit with a hammer, she hit you on the head and you was bleeding internally by a lot." I had to spend abut two weeks in the hospital before they let me go. Surprising enough I found the rented car in the same place that I left it. I got back into the car and drove back to Madrid. I never saw that woman ever again in my life. I spent the rest of my days in Madrid waiting for the day of the game. The day that the game was exactly 2 days before I left. That game that I saw was a championship game and Real Madrid ended up winning. That day was the greatest day in my life. It ended shortly when i realized I had to go back to New Jersey. It was all worth it though. This trip to Spain really taught me that other cultures can be much more exciting and interesting than your own culture.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Rapture of the Deep News Investigation

On a faithful day, Audrey wanted to break the world record for free diving by going 561 feet into the water. When Audrey wanted to perform, it was a such a terrible day because it was raining very hard and there lighting. Audrey didn't care all she wanted to do was break the world record and come back alive. When she started, Pinin noticed something strange when Audrey went into the water. He noticed that she was going so slow. Then once Audrey made it to the bottom all she had to do was to a pin to release an ascent portion of the sled, and open the valve on the air tank and hold on for dear life. The bag didn't inflate and Audrey was stuck at the bottom of the ocean. She kept on trying to turn the valve on to inflate the bag but no luck. After awhile someone was able to fill her bag a little bit and was able to fill the bag but not completely. After awhile Audrey became unconscious, Pascal was able to get her and bring her back but when he did, Audrey was spewing blood from her mouth. Once she got to the hospital, it was all over for Audrey. From my perspective, she died on accident.

From all of the evidence that I have gathered I believe that she did die on accident. Other people say that she got murdered by her husband but I don't get their reasons. How she died on accident makes much more sense then getting murdered by a husband. They were such a good couple so it seems highly unusual how the husband ended up killing his wife. I think that they thought that they put enough air to the air tank to fill up the bag, but their calculations were wrong. A lot of things went wrong today when Audrey wanted to do break the world record. From what i had gathered in reading all of the article, I do believe that she died on accident and that it her time to move on to another better life.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Into The World

If I was gonna go into the wild, I would go to Spain. I don't know why but I just want to go to Spain and go to the capital, Madrid. I always wanted to go to Spain since I was a little kid. I heard so much about Spain that they have euros and they are more expensive then U.S. bills. Also is one of the most touristic places that I know. Spain is located right under France and above Africa. I just wanna go to Spain so that I can know how people in Spain live on a regular basis. I would want to go Spain for about 4-7 weeks. I would go without not telling no one just so that people won't tell me to not go or have them go with me. Also I would want to go to Spain, Madrid so that I can go and see the famous Santiago Bernabeu, where the legendary Real Madrid plays. This is one of the many reasons why Madrid is also very touristic. If I want to actually accomplish this, I would have to start saving up right now so that when I am ready to actually do this, I would have about approximately $2500. Once I get the money, I would but a ticket for a round trip ticket to Spain, Madrid. Also I would use this because it would be the fastest way to get to Spain and without getting into the water. Once I get to Spain, I would ask random people for the best local hotel so that I can stay there for while and then travel to other parts of Spain but ill go by foot instead so that once my time in Spain is over I would go to a taxi and tell him to go to "Aeropuerto de Madrid-Barajas". That is where I would arrive by plane and leave by plane. I would use about $1000 in buying the ticket and the rest of the money for food, transportation, and even souvenirs. I wanted to go to Madrid so that I can see at least see Real Madrid play one home game. Also so that I can know how other people from another country handle their lives so that I could understand more about the economy of the world. As the days past in Spain, I would record all of my experiences in a notebook so that when I come back to the United States, I would be able to look back and remember everything that happened to me in Spain. Also so that other people can read my journal and think about doing the same thing as me and just disappear into Spain for awhile.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


-I found some funny pctures of random things like a funy picture of a funny looking face of a god, a person getting hit with something white, a funny costume of a gumball machine and more.

-Cristiano Ronaldo is known as one of the most popular soccer playes in all of history. Whenever Cristiano Ronaldo plays out in the soccer field, he can't be stopped. Right now he plays for Real Madrid, a soccer club in Spain.Cristiano biggest dream though is tobe the best player of the year at least one time and i know for a fact that he will make that dream a reality.

-Real Madrid is a Spanish soccer club that was established in 1902. It also had alot of popular historical soccer players throughtout the years that Real Madrid was in the soccer field. Even now Real Madrid is known as one of the most famos international soccer team of the world. One of the reasons that we became so famous cause of all the players we had that wire the Real Madrid shirt and one of then is Cristiano Ronaldo. Th biggest rival for Real Madrid is Barcelona. When they hav a mach its always called el clasico (the classic).

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Apple Think Different

From my perspective, what the narrator was talking about in the video was that people that can actually change our world all think differently. What this means in detail is that they have they have their own way on how they could make the world much more better. I do agree with what this video talks about. This video applies to my life because right now a lot of people follow what other people do. That is not how we can actually change our world if it is being overrun by followers instead of leaders